Teach Your Kids How to Save Money the Fun Way
, by Iris N, 3 min reading time
, by Iris N, 3 min reading time
Image Source: fantasista via FreeDIgitalPhotos.Net
Financial literacy is truly important among adults, and the same way goes to children. The need to educate the young to save these days is very important, as they are bound to learn plenty of virtues from saving itself. They will not become knowledgeable in financial literacy alone, but the money lessons will also teach them the value of discipline, patience and self-control. Once the habit of money saving is established in them, they will be able to grow up carrying the said attributes, which will then lead them towards becoming more successful in life.
As a parent, if you work on teaching your kids the value of saving and spending wisely, you do not only give them the opportunity to practice good money habits, but while they are in their journey towards financial literacy at a young age, they are able to look at money and material things differently. Most children who practice good saving and spending habits learn to express hard work - they control themselves from spending too much on toys or other stuff and prefer to save up for a bigger purchase or for what they really want. This teaches them to focus on what they genuinely want, and not to be distracted by the temporary joys brought about by material things and other petty purchases. It also allows them to learn the value of preparedness. They become confident knowing that they have savings. They gain a sense of self assurance that they are protected if there's an emergency. Financial literacy also helps them to be less materialistic and tend to find some other, non-monetary and non-material ways on how to be blissful!
Image Source: Linnaea Mallette via PublicDomainPictures.Net under the Public Domain license.
So you may ask yourself how you are going to train them successfully? There are actually lots of ways on how to teach your kids the importance of saving and the value of good spending habits. Although verbally reminding them helps, it would be a good idea if they do it the fun way. Maximize their learning by offering them enjoyable options to save. The love for saving starts when they have fun experiencing it.
Pretty coin banks and colorful mason jars will surely push them to save, but it appears that kids get more inspired to save up when they get to have an idea of the amount that they have accumulated. The Giant Poster Thermometer Goals from DryEraseChecks has become a favorite tool among parents and families in promoting wise saving and spending habits among their children!
There are so many styles that your kids will surely enjoy for their Giant Poster Thermometer Goals . Ask your kids which design that they prefer! Put the title and subtitle of your goal, provide the size as well as some other additional instructions on how you want your kids' Giant Poster Thermometer Goals to look, and also indicate if you want your thermometer goal to be mounted on a foam board.